Saturday, October 18, 2008

Plane tickets, normal heads, and sporadically bursting (oh my)

I have had an AMAZING day so far! I woke up and my head was normal again which was amazing because my mom had decided that if it did not get better soon I would have to go to see a doctor and I hate doctors so that would have been bad. And then I realized it was Saturday which means that my dad bought me a plane ticket to go to Tennessee to vi st CINI! I am so excited I get there at 3:50 on the 18th and leave at 5:25 on the 25th I actually have exact times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and so I called Cini to tell her and walked around the house using my vocabulary to create an amazing sentence that made Cini laugh: I am sorry that I keep sporadically bursting in to laughing fits. And now Sporadically bursting is my favorite thing to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It has been an amazing day and to top it off Macquel let me borrow a really good book so I have some thing to read later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

head ache

just so you all know i officially hate my head. I have had a pounding head ache for 5 days and I just wanted to tell you all how sorry I am for any one who ever had/has a head ache. That is all

Sunday, October 5, 2008

A quick month synotpsis

So I got on here because this weekend I was in St. Gorge and my Aunt and My Dad told me I was lame because I had not posted any thing on my blog for EVER! so I came to see when the last time was and felt bad because I did not even tell you that I did not get a part in Romeo and Juliette, I have planned a date to go to vi st Cini in TN. (Nov. 18-21) and that Friday was my birthday! It was a wonderful birthday, Kelsie brought me a cake and a thing of Ben and Jerry's ice cream and lunch and the office Lady's told her she could not bring it in the school and so she had our neighbor smuggle it in for her, then Macquel gave me a Cactus and 5 year old gummy bears! And it was a b-day so that is amazing and then I came home and we went to St. Gorge where I got a family birthday party where we ate the most amazing stake and Dutch oven potato's and the most Delicious cake I have ever had with pretty flowers on it and yummy cream filling. Then next week I get a friend party and we are going to go bowling because even though I am horrible at it I love it (I just have to talk my dad in to one little thing) (PLEASE DAD!!!!!!!!!!) And I have As and B's in all of my classes! Over all it was a very good last month.