Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Real Love

I met him the day that we moved. He lived next door and Dad was telling him that he couldn't date Kelsie because she was taken by a missionary, so he would have to keep his distance. He helped me carry all of my stuff to my new room because I couldn't carry it by myself. That was sweet, and he was cute, I felt bad that he was too old for me but decided we would be friends.
November 26, 2011 he sent me a facebook message because he didn't have my phone number and needed a date in one hour. I was conveniently next door so I was the obvious choice, despite the fact that I was two years younger and he had no interest really. It was sweet. . . And to make it better it was weird, the other couple was his ex and her current man (Chris and Alexa). It was okay though, I still had fun. We went laser tagging at Trafalga. Then the weekend ended and he went back to college and we didn't talk for a while.

The next time I saw him was when I was trying to decide between two dresses for Preference. I was going on a blind date and wanted to look great. I was going to get Dad's opinion because he was a boy and he would know which was better. The blue dress was first. I put it on and went down stairs to find him, he was out in the garage though so I went out there. Spencer was there talking to him about a car and his reaction made up my mind for sure. It was the kind of reaction you only think of in movies. His jaw dropped and he dropped the wrench he was holding then stammered nonsense until he could get out a 'pretty dress' and I blushed and it was great.

March 26, 2012 was the next time we saw each other, he needed another date and again I was convenient so again we went to Trafalga with Chris and Alexa. and again it was fun. When we were pulling up to the houses I invited him to go see Hunger Games with me and a bunch of friends. He agreed and I drove and that was weird. The whole movie he sat with his hand right by mine and even though I hadn't started out with the intention of holding his hand, I started thinking about it because it was right there and looked so warm and my fingers were cold. It was rude.

The next weekend he took me to a movie (Mission Impossible) and actually held my hand and it was as good as I thought it would be. We went to get ice cream later that week. Then Kelsie's wedding happened.

He was there, and we were spending most of the night together. We danced and he was better at it than I was, someone snapped a picture that captured our hesitant relationship perfectly, and we climbed to the top of the tower in the castle to send off a wishing lantern. He almost kissed me but no go, little kids kept showing up and ruining out moment. Darn kids. I left the wedding with him, he wouldn't admit it to me at the time but he had borrowed his grandpa's car to impress me with and took me to buy chocolate chips then we went back to my house and watched Planet of the Apes. Only I fell asleep and missed most of it. That was when I decided I liked leaning on him and should keep doing it.

Spring Break happened pretty soon after the wedding and on the first day of it I broke Flo. I over heated her and needed Spencer to fix her. The next 4 days were filled spending hours watching him work and talking to him, sharing music and jokes and life was great. Then the sisters decided they wanted to watch a movie in a tent and we went out with them. They all fell asleep and he kissed me. first kiss with all 4 sisters and Maddie in the tent! Good thing they were sleeping. The movie ended and he walked me home, and I got another kiss on the front porch. After that it was the Taylor and Spencer Show.

We never really decided we were a couple but it happened right around then for sure and kissing became a normal thing. Except for the fact that I was bad at it and knew it so I laughed every time. That only lasted about a month though, and then I got over it.

He took me to prom even though he had already graduated. He wanted me to have the experience and it was a dang good one. We were in a group with Macquel and Shawn and it was cool that after all the years we spent talking about going to prom together we really did. We went to dinner in the mountains and I wore a big pink dress that I borrowed from Breann Burreston. We danced and talked about people he didn't know. Then on the way home we kissed while he drove on the freeway and it was great, I always wanted to do that.

The first time he told me he told me he loved me was in Walmart on a trip to get chocolate milk. He made me cry while he was trying to tell me he liked my curves because he doesn't know how to speak very eloquently and it sounded a lot like he was calling me fat, which is sensitive. He grabbed my face and stared me straight in the eyes and told me that he loved me.

June he got his mission call and I started counting down the September 26th, the day I decided was our six month. And it was good but sad all at once.

The rest of the summer was filled with snow cones, movies, cuddling on the couch, and watching him fix cars. And it was also perfect.

Homecoming was our last real date before he left for the MTC. He took me to see the otters at the aquarium and ice skating and we went to blue lemon for dinner and zupas for lunch and it was more than a perfect night. He was stunningly handsome and I was ravishingly beautiful and we danced and sang and held each other and it was a night i will always remember.

His last weekend here I was very, very sick. We got snow cones and then came home and he watched A Thousand Words while I slept on him and he took really good care of me. Then I had to send him to have fun saturday with out me so he wouldn't miss things.

September 25, 2012 I said goodbye to him and sent him to serve the lord. We played paintball in the back yard and I took him to his last stake presidents meeting, then wendy's. We watched a snowboarding movie and he ate pizza and it was so hard no to cry through it all but I mostly held it together until we were on my porch and he was actually leaving me for two years. then I fell apart and he pinky promised to come back to me.

to be continued. . . (August 2015, we will get married.)