Friday, February 17, 2012

And the universe is still turning.

I moved exactly one year ago today and guess what? It wasn't the end of the world like I thought it would be. Things changed, me especially, but life kept going. I left my old neighbors, the ones who watched late night kisses happening on our front porch with binoculars from their kitchens, and got new ones who make wofums instead of roasting marshmallows, and now I have two sets of crazy adults in my life. I switched schools, twice, and learned how to be the new girl as well as stay loyal to old friends. I learned how to really play girls camp pranks and remembered that the first ward has the forth of July down the way no one else does.

A year ago if you asked me if I would ever not regret having to move I would have said no but now? I'm not so sure. I can't imagine not having all of these experiences. they have changed me, maybe for the better, maybe not, but they changed me and I am who I am because of them, and I do know that I'm glad I'm me, wither I like who I am or not.

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