Sunday, November 16, 2008

43 hours and 28 minutes!

I am going to be in tennessee in 43 and 28 minutes and I am already to exctied to go to sleep! School tomorrow is going ot be TOURTURE! I am so excited but I am nervous about the airplane! It is my two worste fears (hights, and moving vehicals) together at the same time for hours! I would not get on an airplane for any one but Cini and I even consitered not doing it for her! I am going insane! ANd what if the plane crashed??? WHat is I get on and i do not even get to see her because I died on the way there??? That would suck!


TamTam said...

Oh Taylor Annie, relax and trust that you'll be safe! I love the take off- it feels really fast, fast. Once you are in the air it is nothing like being in a car...
Take some deep breaths and bring a really good book, get so into the book that you don't even realize you're in an airplane. I bet you will have no problem with flying when you are done with your trip. HAVE SO MUCH FUN!!! I'll miss watching Twilight with you, lucky duck.

TamTam said...

OK already Taylor, you are back now. Lets hear about the trip and the movie!! I still haven't seen Twilight yet, what did you think?

Taylor said...

sorry it took so long to post again, and you are wronge I hate flying!