Saturday, January 24, 2009

Macquel Fed my soul to the shadow walkers!

Last night I had a sleep over with a bunch of my friends at my friens Racheal's house and we played this game that her brother Jason had made up called Shadow walkers. In it some one, JAson, is a shadow walker which is an alien who eats souls and he dresses up in all black with a bandana covering his face so he can't see.
Every one goes down to the basement and we turn off all of the lights then you go and walk around the basement and try to avoid getting your soul eaten. Every one was all freaked out to turn the corner because we knew he was somewhere in that hall but we could not see him at all, so we decided to go all at once because he could not get all of us at once and if we were really quiet then he would not even know we were there because he could not see either.
We all started to walk and right before I turned the corner I turned around to make sure there were all still behind me and no one was but I decided to go any way, just to see what happened. And when I turned back to walk forward he was maybe an inch from my face. At first I was trying not scream or breath and then I was trying not to laugh but I did and he ate my soul and I was out.
After a while every one else died and we started over and me and Macquel, who had both gotten over how scary it was to walk around the corner and just did not want to die walked down the hall into Racheal's room. Well right after we walked in so did the shadow walker. Macquel freaked out because when he walked in he stared right at were she was and she was sure he knew she was there even though he didn't and she screamed. After she screamed he did know where she was though and came to get her and once he did she told him I was there to and where I was so he ate me too.
Other than my best friend feeding my soul to the shadow walker I had an amazing time and we scared our selves silly, screamed alot, made mini pizzas, and talked alot about alot of differant things. It was soooooooo fun!
I hope all of your guys' Fridays were as awsome as mine!

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