Thursday, February 26, 2009

Opening Night

We opened last night and we did pretty darn good! I forgot my line once and we were all off for like a minute but then Cayden, being the genious that he is remembered my line and said something close so that Daniel could comment on it and it all turned out fine. We had an few other spots where we messed up on lines but we will do even better tonight and by the end it will be perfect! Can't wait for every one to come see!
Love ya

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Saturday Morning

Yesterday morning we had a dress rehearsal at 8 and I brought Macquel with me. It started at 8 and we cooked breakfast on the stage, we had chocolate chip pancakes, bacon, sausage, hash browns, eggs, toast, and starbursts, and while we ate we told the stupidest jokes that totally aren't funny but make you laugh, like why did the girl fall out of the swing? Because she didn't have any arms. (I know totally not funny but I can't help but laugh) and then once we were cleaned up we started practicing and it was funny because we were all super tired and we could not remember any of our lines and every thing was 10 times as funny so we kept laughing. And I played chess against Joseph (one of the guys in the cast) and lost, of course, and we played this game called Psychiatrist where one person goes out in the hall and every one else decides who you are and who ever was in the hall comes back and asks you questions and tries to guess who you are. It was really funny and my favorite round we did was when me and Sydney where emo because we were trying so hard not to laugh and failing completely! It was super fun! I love all of the people on the cast and I am going to be sad when it is over!

And then of course I can not forget the funniest part. At one point in the play Daniel and Cayden have to dress up as girls and they did yesterday and I got some pictures so that is what the pictures at the top are, The first one is Daniel being a good sport and letting us take a pic. of his bra, then it is Daniel and Cayden's back, then Daniel again, then two of Cayden and then the second picute got put in again and it didn't want to delete so I gave up and let it stay there. Sorry they are really blurry we were taking them with Macquels phone and then Cayden and Daniel did not know we were taking the pictures so they were moving.
Love ya

Monday, February 16, 2009

Halo, Guitar hero, and Badminton

I have finally found a sport that I am good at! In P.E. we finished playing hockey and the other day we started badminton. At first I was slightly nervous that they were putting a racket in my hands and sure that I was going to hurt some one but the whole period I only hit myself! And I was the only one on my team that scored a point and I scored 5! WOOT! It totally bosted my confidance and I can now say that I know a sport that I can play! HORRAY!
Then today Macquel, Jesse, Macquel's brother Brayden, and I where playing halo and I found out that Jesse is alot better than me (he killed me 26 times and I didn't kill him once) and so I decided to be a poor loser and quit and we started playing Guitar Hero. The problem was that we only had two guitars. So we played two people per guitar and one person did the buttons at the top and the other strumed and I am proud to say that I can do the buttons at the top perfectly (I can't strum at all though) so if any one wants to form a guitar hero team I am all for it!