Thursday, March 19, 2009

Space camp

Hey! So a few days ago me and a bunch of my friends when to Space camp for a birthday party and is was a TON of fun! When you first get there they take you into a room where they tell you what your mission is and all of the background stuff that you need to know then they take you into the simulator room where is to all set up to look like a space ship and every one goes to there station to get there training. Then some one teaches you how to do your job. My job was to send probes out into space and see when things are coming at us then send other probes to find out what that thing is and if it is something bad to blow it up with a defence probe when it gets close enough. So we were supposed to be fighting the Orion Pirates and so when I saw one of there ships I blew it up. Little did I know that is was an ambassador sent to make peace with us. So the pirates got mad and sent a fleet of 100 ships to kill us. They boarded our ship and took over our bridge and we thought we had lost the mission but then the guy told us that we had an armory and we could go take back the bridge is we wanted. We did of course and every one was afraid to go in though and so I just ran in and started shooting, I killed 3 before they knew what was going on and then another 2 before they stunned me. There was only 1 alive by then and every one ran in and killed him. Then we had to redirect the ship and when I was "unstunned" there was a dead alien in my chair who got in the was but we won a minute after that so it was OK. It was super fun!
After that I had Young Women's and we had a travailing dinner where we ate appetizers at one house then the main course at another then dessert at the church. My group had a funny salad and then went to the main course house where we met up with every one else and had a Samoan BBQ. It was super fun and the lady who's house we were at was actually Samoan and told us that in Samoa you do not eat until you are to full to eat another bite, you eat until you are to tired to eat another bite and served every one massive amounts of food. Then we got dessert and I at so much food I am still not hungry! It was amazing!

1 comment:

TamTam said...

Sounds like a blast all the way around! Glad you are having fun...that is the point in life-- FUN AND JOY!!