Monday, July 27, 2009


For girls camp we drove up to Altimont (a camp up in American Fork Canyon) and we had so much fun! The theme was peace and we got the coolest sweatshirts, they are green with the out line of a VW bus with the words peace spelt out in it. (I will post a picture as soon as I get one) We spent one day at the lake and the was super fun and my favorite part was singing camp songs and running through the sprinkler they set up with Serena. And Gracen and I brought up a duffel bag filled with candy and it was way fun trying to eat all of it in 3 days.
And I am really tiered even though it has been 4 or 5 days because I had a sleep over with my friend Heather and we stayed up late and heather would not let me sleep so we stayed up until 5 or 6. it was fun because we rode bikes to smiths and ran around for a few hours then we got back to her house and watched Ever After, The Princess Bride, Monty Python and The Holy Grail, and Never Been Kissed. It was awesome! Hooray for summer!

1 comment:

TamTam said...

Sheesh, I'm exhausted just reading about it. Good thing you are young and have all that energy! I missed seeing you, but am glad you had a good time at camp! LOVE YOU, see you Saturday!