Thursday, July 15, 2010

why I write

I love writing. I love that you start out with nothing of importance, a piece of paper and a pen, and in the end you have something beautiful. Something that is unique and special, that can touch people and change lives. I love how the words flow out of me like silk and turn my thoughts into something real and tangible. I love the feeling of accomplishment when you finish something you've been working on for what feels like forever. I love all of the worlds it opens up to me. When I write I don't have to be me, a normal, every-day, little girl who hasn't done anything really important (yet) from a town no one has ever heard of. When I write there are no limits or regulations, no expectations, and nothing to hold me back. I can be any one and any where I want to be. I love the power it gives me. The power to shape and change lives, even if they are only pretend lives. I love the escape it gives me. I love all the raw possibilities you have when you stat with a blank page that is just waiting for you to fill it.


TamTam said...

I think I like this quote the best...spoken like a true author.

Taylor said...

thanks tami!