Friday, November 5, 2010

more of me

  1. I have a passion for words.
  2. I hate wearing red.
  3. the orange m&m's are the best.
  4. my hair doesn't like to corporate.
  5. my best friend in the world is Celina Ferrell.
  6. I want a big dog with big paws and floppy ears.
  7. I hate the cold.
  8. I always get sick the first week of November.
  9. I wish I could lick my elbow.
  10. I don't capitalize anything but the word 'I'.
  11. I hate the word sneeze.
  12. I hate when people say more (insert verb)er.
  13. I have 29 teeth but I count the one that is in the roof of my mouth.
  14. I haven't tied my shoes in 6 years.
  15. I hate mexican food.
  16. all the clothes hanging up in my closet are clothes that I don't wear. I put the clothes I wear in drawers.
  17. my favorite thing to eat is a cherry-lime Slurpee and gross gas station nachos.
  18. I really like history.
  19. I think the dessert is the most beautiful place in the world.
  20. I love driving to Vegas even though I get sick in the car.
  21. I want a huge family when I grow up.
  22. when it is raining at night I always imagine some epic adventure taking place.
  23. I have when people hug you from behind.
  24. It bothers me when people don't put periods at the end of there sentences.
  25. I wish my room were upstairs so that a boy could throw rocks up at my window.
  26. I wish my name weren't so common.
  27. I am proud to be named after my grandma.
  28. when Gracen and me fight I always feel like crying but I don't because she would yell at me.
  29. twenty nine is my least favorite number.
  30. when I was younger heffelumps and woozles scared me.
  31. my nightmares always involve ants. every time.
  32. I want to live forever.
  33. I have never had a boy tell me he liked me.
  34. when I count out seconds I always skip 20. I don't know why.
  35. I don't like pancakes or cheese.
  36. I worry that I will get sick like my mom did.
  37. I hate driving to Silver Lake because the dirt road on the way there scares me.
  38. my favorite toothpaste flavor is sparkle fun and me and Cini ate a full tube of it once.
  39. my favorite memory is hiding from a 'tornado' in a 'steel fort of strong-ness' with Grace and Cini.
  40. an ellipsis is my favorite punctuation mark (the . . .).
  41. I once wrote a fight scene and to make sure it made scene I acted it out in my room by myself.
  42. I love peter pan.
  43. old books are one of the things I can smell.
  44. I really wish I could smell because i feel like I am missing out on something.
  45. titanic makes me cry every time.
  46. I love to bake but when I eat what I make I feel fat.
  47. my least favorite subject is english.
  48. I don't make wishes at 11:11, I make them at 10:10 because it makes me feel like a rebel.
  49. I wish I were a rebel but I hate breaking the rules, I am afraid to let people down.
  50. I need to clean my room.


TamTam said...

Oh Taylor...we do have so much in common! I love your list making! I may copy you...
I didn't know those dot dot dots were ellipses, but I LOVE THEM TOO! Love you! Guess you'll have to come live here someday, cuz it isn't cold and its in the desert...

The Recluse said...

Dude that'so so cool! P.S. I like you... Alot :)