Sunday, October 23, 2011

This week was wonderful, despite a most atrocious beginning. You see, it started horribly. So horribly that I thought the world should end and I should just die then. It started with me getting a speeding ticket.
You read that right. Taylor Ann Lapp, one of the few people in the state who does not consistently go five over the limit every time they drive, got a speeding ticket. Getting this ticket, of course, caused me a full blown panic attack. I freaked out big time, to the point of the police officer asking if I needed an ambulance and did not regain my composure until well into third period. I did regain it though, and from that point on my week was amazing.
What, you may ask, made this week amazing? Well I will give you a list, because lists are wonderful, and I will make this list in chronological order because that is also amazing.

  • hanging out with Ben after school.
  • playing 'yes no' with the young women.
  • scavenger hunt in the mall.
  • Hoopla.
  • Sleeping in a rather small bed with Heather and Aubri.
  • Sitting and watching movies ALL day long.
  • Getting hyped up on caffeine.
  • Sleeping in.
  • Getting the house clean.
  • Zupas and ice cream.
  • Late night Harry Potter viewing with heather.
  • Another sleep over with that darling midget.
  • A football game with Ben (Football = :( Ben= :) )
  • Sitting with Dad for a while.
  • Finally getting Cini on the phone and realising she will be here in three weeks.
  • Going to bed early.
  • Making plans with Sister Emmie to watch Criminal Minds.
  • Home teaching with Dad.
  • Yummy cookies.
  • Amazing Race.
You see? That is a long list of wonderful things that happened on this short week with a long weekend. And now? back to school (and term finals) we go.

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