Thursday, December 29, 2011

I think I might be done with this boy soon. He is proving not to be worth the time.

Friday, December 9, 2011

The Vow (2012) - Official Trailer [HD]

Obviously I am a sucker for a good love story, and this trailer made me cry and immediatly decide to watch this the second it comes out no matter what.

I hope some one will agree to go with me.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

"Penguins are very funny birds. They walk with a waddle, they're shaped like a bottle, they are really quite absurd."

I want to be a penguin when I grow up.

They seem to have everything going for them.

They slid around on their bellies.

They are always dressed their best.

They are loyal.

They help each other out.

They share and take turns.

They are quite wonderful, I think we should all make the change.

that is all.

p.s. ten points and a proposal to anyone who can name the movie that quote at the beginning comes from.



when the stupid snow finally decides to make an appearance!!! I am SO ready for it to be time to play in the snow, enough of this cold and dry crap!

that is all.

Friday, December 2, 2011

The facts as they stand:

1.the day I stop trying to catch snowflakes on my tongue is the day my childhood dies

2.when I go out side in my father's shirt, I should expect the whole neighborhood to be out there waiting to see just how lovely my underwear is, because they will be.

3.when I am sick, there are never enough blog posts to keep me entertained.

4.I probably use to much lotion. I'm okay with that.

5.When it is cold outside, I like to wear as little clothing as possible. it is a bit backwards but I like the feeling of the hairs standing up on the back of my arms. it makes me feel alive. caffeine intake is a problem. six months off didn't help it any.

7.wehn you siwtch aornud the ltteres lkie tihs I neevr ntoice.

8.I really wish I could beat some one at ultimate tic-tac-toe. just once? please? break is so close I can almost taste it and the lack of snow is starting to concern me. the later it comes the later it stays, and I am against snow in june. brain is tired and I bet I am out before 10:30, again, after sleeping the last three days.

that is all.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Any one else think these tights are the bee's knees?

also, do bees even have knees? and if so, why are they so cool?

I am young and I am invincible and I am alive.

I like things loud. My music, my voice, my arguments, my car. I refuse to pass through quietly.

I like things bright. My hair, my nails, my clothes, my thoughts. I refuse to show a watered down version.

I like things different. My habits, my personality, my quarks, my friends. I refuse to conform to what everyone else is doing.

I like things unpredictable. My adventures, my day, my conversations, my mood. I refuse to waste my life spending my time on repeat.

I like things spicy. I like things exciting. I like things happening. I like things interesting. I like things new. I like things happy. I like things.

I am young and I am invincible and I am alive and I like it that way.