Saturday, July 19, 2008

Best week ever!

So this was the best week ever! (as the title said) Monday was the only day that was not fun! Tuesday I spent the day washing cars with some of the youth in my ward. It was fun and I got 4 popsicals when I was done (that was the best part) and then I had a very nice talk with one of my beehives, Kali. It was a wonderful day!
Wednesday I went over to my friend Macquel's house and hung out with her and my other friend Dalayni, who was visiting from Missoury and we played night games with some of our other friends!
Thursday I went and saw Get Smart with Macquel and Layni. I did not like the movie but we talked most the time and got cookies and the cookie store next door so it was fun! After the movie Layni had to go to visit her grandparents in Spanish Fork and Macquel and I had a late night then I went home and had a gilmore girls marathon/ sleep over with Kelsie!
Friday I did nothing all day but then i had a nother sleep over with Kelsie and that was fun then today my dad came home from his camp out and we went to see Journy to the center of the earth, which was surprizingly good. (I laghed I cried and I cried because I laughed so hard. Very good movie!)
And that was the best week ever! I hope all of you peoples weeks were as good as mine!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Viciouse Polar Bear ATTACK!

I am really bored and I found this picture of a baby polar bear saved on to my computer. I just thought I would share it with any one who came to my blog because It is just so cute! (yes I know that it would not be cute if it were a grown polar bear but it is not so get over it!)

Sunday, July 13, 2008


as any one who knows me at all knows I am OBSSESSED with The Twilight Sega (the best books in the world!!!!) and as any one who is in my family knows (and others) the fourth book, Breaking dawn, is coming out on Aug. 2! And I am so excited I can not stand it! There are still 19 days, 4 hours, 1 minute, and . . . . 46 seconds (as of 7:58 pm on Sunday the 13th) and to make me more excited Stephenie Meyer the author is giving every one a qoute from the book every day and they are out of context and order and she has a twisted sence of humor and enjoys torcuring her many devotied fans (like me) the first two alone have drivin me mad! (and I am sure they are going to turn out as the smallest parts of the book!) I am going insane, just incase any of you wanted to know!

Monday, July 7, 2008


Kelsie is my older sister and I would just like to tell you how AMAZINGLY AWSOME she is. Earlier this week I told you all how annoying I thought my little sisters were and I just I would tell you how UN-ANNOYING Kelsie is. She is 17 and so cool. Every one loves Kels and I understand why. She is so nice and pritty and fun to be around! Kelsie is amazing!

and she makes you soup when you are sick! (soup makes every thing better!)

Friday, July 4, 2008


So Today is the 4th of July! Horray! Fireworks and all that, SO FUN! I was so excited to go watch fire works and hang out with my neighbors but then at 7 my dad came down stairs and woke me up to go hiking! For thouse of you who do not know me too well I HATE nature. I hate bugs and dirt and trees and all that jazz and my dad still made me go hiking. We were going up to this water fall (scout falls) and then hike back. Half way there I got so sick of hiking that I turned around and went back to the parking lot but I got lonly and hiked ALL THE WAY to the falls (again) and so it pritty much sucked but It was so pritty at the top that I did not mind to much.
But because me and my sisters were so tierd by the end my dad is going to make us go on a hike every saturday!
I really hate the wilderness!

Thursday, July 3, 2008


so I am now going to vent. If you do not want to here stop reading.
I am SOOO mad at my sisters! They drive me insane! Grace will not stop bugging me about weeding our front garden and Faith won;t just stop following me a round all the time! I swear they are the most annoying people i have ever met! gosh!

Ok vent over.
I hope you guys don't have to deal with annoying little sisters and if you do I hope they do not drive you mad.
Have a nice day!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Happy birthday!

SO today is the birthday of the awsomest 13 year old boy who lives in Utah County!
Happy Birthday to my friend Jefferson Long!


So I have convinced my dad to let me get a blog! I hope you like it, and if you don't please don't say so because that is mean and I do not like it when people are mean.