Sunday, July 13, 2008


as any one who knows me at all knows I am OBSSESSED with The Twilight Sega (the best books in the world!!!!) and as any one who is in my family knows (and others) the fourth book, Breaking dawn, is coming out on Aug. 2! And I am so excited I can not stand it! There are still 19 days, 4 hours, 1 minute, and . . . . 46 seconds (as of 7:58 pm on Sunday the 13th) and to make me more excited Stephenie Meyer the author is giving every one a qoute from the book every day and they are out of context and order and she has a twisted sence of humor and enjoys torcuring her many devotied fans (like me) the first two alone have drivin me mad! (and I am sure they are going to turn out as the smallest parts of the book!) I am going insane, just incase any of you wanted to know!

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