Thursday, December 18, 2008

Why I have been so busy

So sorry that I did not post about my trip way sooner! We got back and had a wonderfull Thanksgiving and then a nother thanksgiving the next day! Then because the day that I was going to do all of my homework that I had missed while I was in TN, I was doing that all saturday. Then I was busy with school for a week.
Then last week on Tuesday I auditioned for the school play, It runs in the family, and on wednesday, thursday, and friday I had call backs. Then on monday I got cast as the leading femal role, Jane Tate. I have rehersal untill 5:30 every night after school untill opening night!
It is playing on Feb. 25-28 and all you peoples who live down in St. Gorge who love me have to come see it or I will cry!
Now I have school tomorrow and it is almost one so I have to go


TamTam said...

Congratulations Taylor!!! Way to go. What is the play? I don't recognize the character's name. Is it a musical?
Now that you are out of school for Christmas you'll have time to blog about your trip and what you thought about Twilight too right?! Love you Taylor.

Taylor said...

It is called It runs in the family and it is a comedy. I bloged about the trip before I posted about the play scroll down a little, the blog is titled A whole lot of something. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!