Thursday, February 25, 2010


There was question on the word epic and as I attempted to answer said question I ended up writing a comment that was epic, but was nearly as long as the post I was commenting on so I decided that epic was an epic enough word to get it's own post!
The definition of the word epic is as follows: heroic; majestic; impressively great; unusually of great size or extent.
I disapprove of this definition. While it is true that the word epic defies all definition I believe they should have tried harder to fit this word into a 5 to 6 word sentence that basically sums up this wonderful word because that is an epic fail.
Epic is 'heroic, majestic, impressively great, and usually of great size or extent' but it is also much more then that. Epic is a way of being. To be truly epic you must be amazing, superb, lacking in nothing except for a down side, and in all other ways wonderfully, astonishingly, perfect.
EPIC people: Me (of course), every one I associate with, a few other people!
EPIC things: the weekend, Popsicles, days off of school, summer, the first snow of the year, a few other things!
EPIC places: St. George, that place which you call home, the place you feel safe, any where you are loved and love being, a few other places!
Taylor Lapp's definition of the word
EPIC: anything, and everything that you deem to be perfectly enjoyable in every way. I hope that clears up any confusion on the word EPIC! ! !

1 comment:

TamTam said...

OK girl. You are EPIC! I agree on all of it except the first snow part...that is bad in my definition. Hope you are having an EPIC spring break with the bean. Love you Toad!