Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Who knew 'finishing' my book would wipe me out so completely, when it isn't even really finished, it still needs work. But the work must wait because I have no words, or to many words, or not quite enough words. They are there, running through my head every second of the day.

Words about Emery, and Skyler, and Eli, and Tristan, and Lyla, and Maxwell, and Larry the mortuary boy, and Kyzle with a silent z, and Heather, and Mike, and Faith, and Celina, and Addy Sue, and my hair spray, and my computer, and my leadership teacher, and that one white dress I had that one time, and where did it go?, and the mattress that won't stay on the couch like it should, and the purple blanket that is perfect, and the old house, and the worlds best park that has all my memories in it, and Mrs. Ellis (whose first name is Kathleen), and, and, and.

So many words that I keep listening to the same song on repeat because any more than one and my brain would be exploding with lyrics and notes and measures and beats and rhythms and this song is so nice and tells me to stay and sleep and not go out because it is cold out there and warm in here and he loves me so it is okay and we will be alright as long as I stay with him.

The words won't come out of my head though, they are broken up, and disconbobulated, and jumbled, and mashed together into a yarn ball that would break records and I can't find an end to pull on and start weaving a sweater with and the snow is coming soon so I need a sweater and my brain hurts from looking.

that is all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And Meghin. . .
And, well, another Meghin. . .