Saturday, April 28, 2012

To Tired To Tell Tales

Quite honestly I am much too tired to tell you one of the many stories that I know I should write down before I forget the details of but I told myself I could consistently blog three times a week because that seems reasonable. And I need a blog post to do that so I am going to tell you some facts about myself because that seems easier.

1) i like kissing but makes my lips dry and i giggle when i kiss a boy.

2) i am much more likely to do you a favor if my room is clean.

3) i love mr. deeds, it is one of my favorite movies.

4) i really want to move out.

5) i need a job before i can move out.

6) i know sneaking out is bad but i want to do it sometimes.

7) i like my skirts shorter than my dad does. i also like my sleeves off my shoulders.

8) i think coffee is a good acquired taste worth acquiring.

9) i might drink too much caffeine and eat too much sugar.

10) i like when i find out i can count on something, it is the only good kind of surprise.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

True Passion

Once upon a time I sat in a dark auditorium to watch a substandard Jr. high performance. The band, orchestra, and top choir all got together on the stage and did there best. They sang songs that no one understood the words to but thought were pretty anyway, they played a song arranged by one of the students, they did a lovely tribute to the military, and all in all it wasn't to terrible, but also not to interesting.

 I found myself looking at the people around me.

I watched the lady with a fussy baby try and quiet it. I watched the old married couple hold hands and whisper like school children. I watched my dad send emails to work. But most of all I watched my beautiful little sister breath in the music around her.

I watched her close her eyes, right there on stage and time her breath with the clashing, slightly off beat music. I watcher her let it wash over her and entirely consume her thoughts to the point where she missed her well practiced cue.

I saw real passion in her that night. I saw a girl who loves something so much that it has become a part of her very soul. I saw someone who was so enthralled in the sound that she only saw the beauty and didn't mind the trumpet that came in early or the flute that kept hitting an ear-splitting high note. And seeing that made me see the beauty in it too.

Monday, April 23, 2012

left but not forgotten

My poor blog. I neglected it so much the last little while. and by little while I mean few months. and you know what? I am going to ignore it for a day or two longer while I get caught up on homework and sleep because I have been neglecting both for a while now. poor homework. poor sleep.
BUT. . .
When I get back I have lots to tell you. The wedding, that great kiss, the new boyfriend, breaking down on the freeway, a few movie reviews, and a few blog posts that have been written in notebooks and never copied over. It will be great if you come and read them. which you might not because I have neglected you. I apologize. I will do better. maybe. . .

that is all (for now)