Tuesday, April 24, 2012

True Passion

Once upon a time I sat in a dark auditorium to watch a substandard Jr. high performance. The band, orchestra, and top choir all got together on the stage and did there best. They sang songs that no one understood the words to but thought were pretty anyway, they played a song arranged by one of the students, they did a lovely tribute to the military, and all in all it wasn't to terrible, but also not to interesting.

 I found myself looking at the people around me.

I watched the lady with a fussy baby try and quiet it. I watched the old married couple hold hands and whisper like school children. I watched my dad send emails to work. But most of all I watched my beautiful little sister breath in the music around her.

I watched her close her eyes, right there on stage and time her breath with the clashing, slightly off beat music. I watcher her let it wash over her and entirely consume her thoughts to the point where she missed her well practiced cue.

I saw real passion in her that night. I saw a girl who loves something so much that it has become a part of her very soul. I saw someone who was so enthralled in the sound that she only saw the beauty and didn't mind the trumpet that came in early or the flute that kept hitting an ear-splitting high note. And seeing that made me see the beauty in it too.

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