Thursday, October 29, 2009

2 months

I am sorry to say that I have failed as a blogger. I just get busy and forget about it. I guess I will give you a quick recap and try again.
In the last 2 1/2 monthsI have:
sent kelsie off to collage
started the ninth grade, and I am loving it
turned 15, still don't have my permit
started writing a new book, it is coming along amazingly
and I think that is basically it. And i am pretty sure no one ever reads this, because i never post but I have decided that I don't care and i will keep posting randomly so that when i get bored I can come read the random things I have said.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Stake dance

Last night I went to a stake dance (my first one) and it was AMAZINGLY fun! A ton of my friends were there and I had so much fun pretending we knew how to dance! Then Aubri, Julie, Megan and I ate about a million strawberries and then I saw like the whole cast of it runs in the family and it was so much fun to get caught up with them! I am offically excited for school to start so that I can see every one every day!

Monday, July 27, 2009


For girls camp we drove up to Altimont (a camp up in American Fork Canyon) and we had so much fun! The theme was peace and we got the coolest sweatshirts, they are green with the out line of a VW bus with the words peace spelt out in it. (I will post a picture as soon as I get one) We spent one day at the lake and the was super fun and my favorite part was singing camp songs and running through the sprinkler they set up with Serena. And Gracen and I brought up a duffel bag filled with candy and it was way fun trying to eat all of it in 3 days.
And I am really tiered even though it has been 4 or 5 days because I had a sleep over with my friend Heather and we stayed up late and heather would not let me sleep so we stayed up until 5 or 6. it was fun because we rode bikes to smiths and ran around for a few hours then we got back to her house and watched Ever After, The Princess Bride, Monty Python and The Holy Grail, and Never Been Kissed. It was awesome! Hooray for summer!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Cini, 4th of July, and mom's surgery

So Cini was here for about a week and that was sooooo much fun. I really miss having her around! And on the 4th of July we drove up to Travers Mountian and looked out over the vally and watched all the fireworks that we going off. It was so cool and pretty but I missed Coldasac of Fire. We definatly have to do better next year. And mom's surgery was on Friday and everything went fine. She is in the ICU still but will hopefully be coming home in about 5 or 6 days so that is good. And I went to my friend Heather's birthday party and it was so fun because Nolle feel asleep and Heather and I pulled an all nighter. We spent like 6 hours looking up people on facebook, it was so much fun! And that is all I have to say right now so. . .

Friday, June 26, 2009


I am sooooo excited! Tomorrow is the Family Fun Festival that the city holds every year and that is always fun and my friend Lizzy is having her birthday party and. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CELINA WILL BE HERE TOMORROW NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am dying! THis has been the longest day ever, and I slept through most of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tomorrow is going to drag on but be soooo much fun! YOu can expect me to post a long in the next week, what with Cini and my moms sergery on the 8th.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Brandon Mull pushed me into a tree

So my neighbor asked me if I could dress up as a fairy and help her with this party she was throwing. Her brother in-law is Brandon Mull the guy who wrote the Fablehaven series and she has this website where she gave away a party with him. So on saturday I woke up and dressed like a fairy (looked amazing and will post pictures as soon as I get them) then drove to south jordan. The party was tons of fun even before Mr. Mull showed up, but the wind was terrible and totally killed my hair. And then when he got there we played capture the flag and he was grabbing the flag and so I was running after him to get it but he swerved around a tree and I tripped and ran into it so my team lost. THen we had this amazing cake that was a tree with little plaques that had the coveres of the four books on them. IT was a beautiful cake that tasted as good as it looked. But apperantly Sister Saban (the woman who threw the party) had told him about me and the fact that I write and I have given her part of the story I am working on right now and she gave it to him. And I think pne of the coolest thing that has ever happened to me was Brandon Mull complimenting my wrighting. It was totally amazing!

Monday, June 1, 2009


ok so today is offically the first day of summer and I am soooo happy!!!! I now have 3 whole months with out having to wake up early every day! That also means that my life will be more intersesting because I will not be at school all the time which means. . . . . (drum roll!). . . . . I will actually blog more! Dun DUn DUUUUNNNN! (or at least I hope so!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Bye Bye

Friday, May 8, 2009

I would just like to tell you all that cookie dough is my new favorite food!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

birthday party and spring break

ok so I took a long time to post this but grace had a birthday party on the 11th. I played with her and her friends and we thought this open gym thing opened at 10 but it opened at noon and we did not want to go home and so we went and played in the Carl's Jr play place for 2 hours. My dad bought us like 6 things of french fries and himself a soda. but I took a drink of it and then the next thing I know all 10 of us had straws in it and we just went and refilled it like 6 or 7 times. It was totally disgusting but fun at the same time.
then the next week was spring break and we went down to St. George and played down there and it was really fun. I read a lot and it was warm and all of us pretended we knew how to play tennis. it was super fun, except for the fighting that I have come to think is a mandatory part of going to St. George.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

I love. . .

I love my family
I love my friends
I love my savior
I love my house
I love my neighbors
I love my school
I love my teachers
I love my mommy
I love Cleo
I love mozorella sticks
I love felling better
I love sleeping in
I love confrence weekend
I love my sisters
I love my Aunt Tami
I love My dad
I love the van
I love driving to St. George
I love walking around the block
I love being home
I love my room
I love my bed
I love me
I love my grandparents
I love microwaves
I love the Book of Mormon
I love doctors, when they dont give you shots
I love being able to breath
I love challanges
I love walking in the rain
I love laying in the sun
I love the sound of rain
I love music
I love a ton of things but most of all
I love living life

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Space camp

Hey! So a few days ago me and a bunch of my friends when to Space camp for a birthday party and is was a TON of fun! When you first get there they take you into a room where they tell you what your mission is and all of the background stuff that you need to know then they take you into the simulator room where is to all set up to look like a space ship and every one goes to there station to get there training. Then some one teaches you how to do your job. My job was to send probes out into space and see when things are coming at us then send other probes to find out what that thing is and if it is something bad to blow it up with a defence probe when it gets close enough. So we were supposed to be fighting the Orion Pirates and so when I saw one of there ships I blew it up. Little did I know that is was an ambassador sent to make peace with us. So the pirates got mad and sent a fleet of 100 ships to kill us. They boarded our ship and took over our bridge and we thought we had lost the mission but then the guy told us that we had an armory and we could go take back the bridge is we wanted. We did of course and every one was afraid to go in though and so I just ran in and started shooting, I killed 3 before they knew what was going on and then another 2 before they stunned me. There was only 1 alive by then and every one ran in and killed him. Then we had to redirect the ship and when I was "unstunned" there was a dead alien in my chair who got in the was but we won a minute after that so it was OK. It was super fun!
After that I had Young Women's and we had a travailing dinner where we ate appetizers at one house then the main course at another then dessert at the church. My group had a funny salad and then went to the main course house where we met up with every one else and had a Samoan BBQ. It was super fun and the lady who's house we were at was actually Samoan and told us that in Samoa you do not eat until you are to full to eat another bite, you eat until you are to tired to eat another bite and served every one massive amounts of food. Then we got dessert and I at so much food I am still not hungry! It was amazing!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The rest of the nights

Sorry I was origanally going to post any thing interesting that happened but then I was just to tierd after each performance. We did amazing every night and keep surpassing our awsomeness every night. Friday was my favorite night because half the audiance was there souly for me (23 people at least!). Some were friends, and some where grandparents and Nick and Drew. I felt so special when not only I was attacked at the end in a storm of hugs the likes of which I have never seen but during intermission I walked across the stage and they saw my shoes through the gap between the floor and the curtain and every one started screaming my name, and it was so fun so I just started pacing and they kept screaming and it made me feel so loved! Thanks guys! And Sister Saben was there and gave me roses and Sari and the rest of the McFates were there and Mrs. Tolman gave me roses and add those to the ones my dad gave me and now I have so many roses I don't know what to do with all of them! To quote my grandpa "Forget Cloud 9 she went strait to 10" I was floating it was amazing!
Then Saturday Jas and Tami and Family was there and I got more hugs and kisses and felt amazing, and When you add high praise with the rush of being on stage and the amazing company of the cast and you get what is now one of my favorite feelings in the world! I was on "cloud 10" all week and I am super sad that it is over but at least I will be able to throw my self into Musical Theater and spend more time with the people I love (My family)
I LOVE acting! And Preforming! And Spending time with family! And with Friends! And I LOVE LIFE!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Opening Night

We opened last night and we did pretty darn good! I forgot my line once and we were all off for like a minute but then Cayden, being the genious that he is remembered my line and said something close so that Daniel could comment on it and it all turned out fine. We had an few other spots where we messed up on lines but we will do even better tonight and by the end it will be perfect! Can't wait for every one to come see!
Love ya

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Saturday Morning

Yesterday morning we had a dress rehearsal at 8 and I brought Macquel with me. It started at 8 and we cooked breakfast on the stage, we had chocolate chip pancakes, bacon, sausage, hash browns, eggs, toast, and starbursts, and while we ate we told the stupidest jokes that totally aren't funny but make you laugh, like why did the girl fall out of the swing? Because she didn't have any arms. (I know totally not funny but I can't help but laugh) and then once we were cleaned up we started practicing and it was funny because we were all super tired and we could not remember any of our lines and every thing was 10 times as funny so we kept laughing. And I played chess against Joseph (one of the guys in the cast) and lost, of course, and we played this game called Psychiatrist where one person goes out in the hall and every one else decides who you are and who ever was in the hall comes back and asks you questions and tries to guess who you are. It was really funny and my favorite round we did was when me and Sydney where emo because we were trying so hard not to laugh and failing completely! It was super fun! I love all of the people on the cast and I am going to be sad when it is over!

And then of course I can not forget the funniest part. At one point in the play Daniel and Cayden have to dress up as girls and they did yesterday and I got some pictures so that is what the pictures at the top are, The first one is Daniel being a good sport and letting us take a pic. of his bra, then it is Daniel and Cayden's back, then Daniel again, then two of Cayden and then the second picute got put in again and it didn't want to delete so I gave up and let it stay there. Sorry they are really blurry we were taking them with Macquels phone and then Cayden and Daniel did not know we were taking the pictures so they were moving.
Love ya

Monday, February 16, 2009

Halo, Guitar hero, and Badminton

I have finally found a sport that I am good at! In P.E. we finished playing hockey and the other day we started badminton. At first I was slightly nervous that they were putting a racket in my hands and sure that I was going to hurt some one but the whole period I only hit myself! And I was the only one on my team that scored a point and I scored 5! WOOT! It totally bosted my confidance and I can now say that I know a sport that I can play! HORRAY!
Then today Macquel, Jesse, Macquel's brother Brayden, and I where playing halo and I found out that Jesse is alot better than me (he killed me 26 times and I didn't kill him once) and so I decided to be a poor loser and quit and we started playing Guitar Hero. The problem was that we only had two guitars. So we played two people per guitar and one person did the buttons at the top and the other strumed and I am proud to say that I can do the buttons at the top perfectly (I can't strum at all though) so if any one wants to form a guitar hero team I am all for it!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

I didn't forget I got busy!


Macquel Fed my soul to the shadow walkers!

Last night I had a sleep over with a bunch of my friends at my friens Racheal's house and we played this game that her brother Jason had made up called Shadow walkers. In it some one, JAson, is a shadow walker which is an alien who eats souls and he dresses up in all black with a bandana covering his face so he can't see.
Every one goes down to the basement and we turn off all of the lights then you go and walk around the basement and try to avoid getting your soul eaten. Every one was all freaked out to turn the corner because we knew he was somewhere in that hall but we could not see him at all, so we decided to go all at once because he could not get all of us at once and if we were really quiet then he would not even know we were there because he could not see either.
We all started to walk and right before I turned the corner I turned around to make sure there were all still behind me and no one was but I decided to go any way, just to see what happened. And when I turned back to walk forward he was maybe an inch from my face. At first I was trying not scream or breath and then I was trying not to laugh but I did and he ate my soul and I was out.
After a while every one else died and we started over and me and Macquel, who had both gotten over how scary it was to walk around the corner and just did not want to die walked down the hall into Racheal's room. Well right after we walked in so did the shadow walker. Macquel freaked out because when he walked in he stared right at were she was and she was sure he knew she was there even though he didn't and she screamed. After she screamed he did know where she was though and came to get her and once he did she told him I was there to and where I was so he ate me too.
Other than my best friend feeding my soul to the shadow walker I had an amazing time and we scared our selves silly, screamed alot, made mini pizzas, and talked alot about alot of differant things. It was soooooooo fun!
I hope all of your guys' Fridays were as awsome as mine!

My play

The play is in less then a month now and the director Mr. Stokoe says that we have to have our lines memorized by next Friday. I am going to fail at this because I don't even have half of them memorized yet and so this should be fun. Wish me luck!
I am in another play that is starting rehersal on opening night of It Runs in the Family. The new play is In to the woods. Last spring I tried out to get in to the class at school that is doing it and every one who got through those auditions is in it but on Tuesday I am auditioning for a spacific part. I really want to be either Cinderella or the bakers wife, or maybe one of the wicked step sisters. So wish me luck again!