Thursday, April 21, 2011

I have been thinking a lot of different thoughts tonight (it is something that tends to happen when I attempt to do my math homework). I have been thinking about the rain.

I truly love the rain the way I love few other things. I love when it is pouring rain and I can laying my bed or sit on my front porch and just listen to it. Some times, when I listen hard enough I can hear the stories it is telling, the stories that dried up and blew away with it, only to drop down on my little spot on earth. They are each different and special. Each of them has something to tell me, and I can sit and listen to the rain tell me all of them. What I hear is beautiful.

And thinking about the rain that was telling me those marvelous stories got me thinking of my writing. About how lucky I am to have found the thing that will always be there for me. Some people go their entire lives with out any clue of what they are doing. I am not claiming to have any idea why the heck I am here, but I at least have a way to help me sort out why things are happening. A way to even figure out what is happening . A way to get all of those extra emotions, the ones I just can't deal with, out of my brain and into something that I can manipulate and make sense of.

And of course thinking of writing made me wish to write something but sadly I am suffering from a deadly syndrome commonly known as writers block so I came here and I ranted a slight bit and decided I like putting pictures in my blog posts and I am going to continue.

That is all,

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