Saturday, April 9, 2011

Well here goes one more list.
People who have taught me something:

1) Heather: I met Heather in the seventh grade. That was not exactly the best time of my life. I was going crazy, and acting it. And this random girl, in her pigtail braids and ugly sweater, plopped down in the seat next to me in math, determined to be my friend for some reason. I was as mean as I could be to her trying to get her to go away, but she was to dang stubborn to give up. Three years later and I still haven't shaken her, so I guess I might as well quit trying. What did she teach me? well, don't give up on what you want, be there for your friends, sometimes the best thing to do it listen.

2) Celina: Celina has been my best friend in the world for the last 13 years, more or less. Even though we fought a lot I always knew that she would be right there every time I needed her. She pushed me, and supported me, and told me it was okay to quit when I needed to. She was the only stable thing in my life for a long time and I am SO excited to go see her! What did she teach me? It is okay not to be perfect, as long as you do your best, and you are proud of that. Some times it is okay to quit. And that I can do anything I want.

3) Mike: Not sure how he got himself on this list so fast. I mean I have only known him for about four months. It seems like a lot more than that though. I mean this boy already knows most all of my secrets, things I haven't told people ever. It is insane but I really trust this boy, and he got to the number three spot because he listens to me, and helps me work through my problems, whither they be in my life or my writing. What has he taught me? The best friends are the ones who care what you have to say, who aren't afraid to tell you you are wrong, and who help you do your best.

4) Dad: Well, this one is an obvious answer. I love my father. He is a good man. He works hard and makes sure we have everything we need, whither we need that new pair of shoes or a hug, he finds a way to be there to give it to us. What has he taught me? Be loyal to your friends, but don't be afraid to make new friends. You never waste a day if you helped some one smile.

5) Oddly enough Macquel: Macquel is a different kind of teacher than the other people I have talked about. She was never really there for me, she didn't really listen to me, she used me, and then left me for the first guy to walk by her. So what did she teach me? She taught me not to take people for granted, because they aren't going to be there forever.

6) David: He was my son in 'It Runs In The Family'. I hung out with him every day for three months. And I don't think I ever really got to know him as well as I should have. He was easy, and uncomplicated, and just fun to be around (until Macquel came into the picture, then it was a little less uncomplicated, I had to play the role of Macquel's best friend) and I needed that. What did he teach me? He taught me that it is okay not to be what some one thinks you are. You don't have to follow the crowd to be loved. Be yourself and the people worth loving will find you.

7) Sister Saban: She was my favorite Young Woman's leader I have ever had. She believed in me when I didn't, she loved me unconditionally even when I told her my secret, she supported me in everything I did, and she didn't give up on me just because she wasn't my leader any more. What did she teach me? Some times all people need is to know you love them, so make sure that you tell them.

8) Mrs. Ellis: I don't even know her first name. She was my science teacher in 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grade. She let me hang out in her room during recces. She helped me with my science fair project the year we went to state. What did she teach me? Well, out side of the science core that I learned so well from her, she taught me that it is okay to be smart, it isn't something to be ashamed of. She taught me to work hard for what I want.

9) Hilary: I realize she isn't an actual person. But she it just as real to me as any one else on this list. She started out as being me under a different name and set of circumstances but that isn't the case any more. I saw things in myself that I wrote in her that I didn't like and so as I helped her to find her self, she helped me do the same. What did she teach me? What you look like doesn't make any difference at all. You are who you are, and no ones opinion is going to change that.

1 comment:

The Recluse said...

And you my dear have taught me: that true friends are there for you no matter what. That even if it fads it I'd always there. And that you should never give up hope. Thank you for being a part of my life