Friday, April 29, 2011

I have a strategy for when I am beating myself up. it is a mantra of sorts. it started with Sister Saban. She told a story in young women's one day about a lady who simply hated her husband. She knew that wasn't right and so she decided to change that. And so every night she thought of one new thing she liked about him. I changed that a little bit. I started with my fundamental knowledge. And then, every time I thought a new negative thought I made myself sit down and add one more thing to my "list of indisputable and lovely facts about Taylor Ann Lapp". Today, i am having a hard time thinking of a new one and so I am going to write them down. That always helps me focus my mind.
And so with out further ado, I give you "The list":

I am a daughter of god.
He created me, every ounce and inch.
He doesn't make mistakes.
He loves me.
I should love myself.
He loves me because I am amazing.
I am accomplished.
I am talented.
I am an amazing writer.
I can do anything I set my mind to.
Somewhere there is a man who is perfect for me.
I am perfect for him.
I don't need to change.
I am not inadequate.
I am a good big sister.
I am a good friend.
when I think bad things about myself, I am lying to myself.

What did I add today?
I am me. and that is good.

Some day, I hope to be able to add one thing to this list, and truly believe it to be an indisputable and lovely fact about Taylor Ann Lapp:
I am perfect.

that is all.


Anonymous said...

And you are left handed. Lots of creativity in right-brained people. :)

Anonymous said...

And you are a great conversationalist, no doubt about it!

Anonymous said...

And to expand upon that indisputable and lovely fact, I will say this:
You are perfectly you.
That is a lovely fact...

The Recluse said...

You are amazing. Wonderful. And beautiful. Thank you for being you