Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Guess what you guys? At this very moment in time I am supposed to be writing. I am supposed to have a chapter done by the morning. Alas, I have little more than a page written and I am stuck. I really need to get this chapter done because I left the last one with a deadly cliffhanger.

And now, at this very second Mike is asking me how it is coming and I am debating wither or not
I should tell him that for a moment I have completely given up to talk to who ever happens to read this. I don't think I will, he will find out eventually. . .
I really want to get to 200 pages. And heather just took off er bra. It was odd because I looked over at her and she pulled it out of the top of her shirt. I bet she wouldn't appreciate me telling you all that but she will get over it.

My legs really hurt. I just walked a lot. In a skirt in the mountains pulling a hand cart. And my baby Emma Jane died on the last day but my Pa ran back to her grave and dug her up so that I could keep her. She is next to me right not. And she is very dirty. I should probably wash her. I bet she doesn't appreciate being covered in dirt from her grave. I was very dirty when I got home. I don't think I have ever been that dirty in my life. It was horribly gross.

Any who, I should probably get back to my chapter now. . .

wish me luck.

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