Monday, June 27, 2011

look guys I am writing here solely as a form of procrastination! again. I'm not sure why this is always where I go before facebook or any where else on the web. I come here before I even try to write a new chapter! That is ridiculous. I guess I just really enjoy talking to myself.

right now I am listening to The Beatles. They are wonderful. I was having bad dreams last night and couldn't sleep so I put them on and have been playing them since then. They just make me happy. Which is a hard thing to do right now. I am kind of down.

I need to get over that though. I have to be on the top of my game tomorrow if Gracie and I are going to teach our new ward how to do Girl's Camp correctly. from what I hear they have failed miserably every year up until now. failed to the point of rumors being spread, AT GIRLS CAMP! That is so not cool. it is supposed to be the one week of the year that we don't have to deal with icky girl fighting tactics. And on top of that last year there were a bunch of girls being left out! They contributed it to the ward being so big but that is crap. First ward is three times as big and they have never left some one out of anything! Gracie and I are determined to fix this.

You know I really hope that I get into the presidency when the current president leaves because there is so much that I could do for this ward.

OH! I never told you what I was procrastinating! I got distracted by The Beatles. I am putting off cleaning my room. I don't think it has ever been this dirty and it is driving me crazy. You know for how OCD I am about my room being clean, it gets messy really fast. It is just my clothes. I can't help but try on at least 10 different things every morning before I pick something and the rejects end up every where, laid in piles to be worn another day. It is horrible. And now that I have thought about it, it is bugging me more and more by the second and I have to go now.

that is all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It sounds like a mixture of OCD and ADD. There's something familiar-sounding about that. . .
This is becoming my first place to go before facebook or chapter typing too! I guess I'm in good company! (: