Sunday, June 26, 2011

have I mentioned that I really, really hate writer's block. it seems as though I always get it as soon as I start writing consistently and actually making progress. I must find a way to beat it if I am going to reach my goal of finishing by the end of this silly summer.

I cannot believe that we are already a month into summer. it feels like it just started a week ago and last night heather and I were talking about back to school shopping! time just seems to have flown past me so quickly. trek is over, girls camp is this week, and then heather's birthday and it is off to see cini! and when I get back from her house summer will be mostly over! crazy. . .

since I mentioned heather's birthday I should probably let you all know that I picked well when I choose her as my friend. she is turning 16 in two weeks and do you want to know what she asked me to get her? a blue light saber and pens. she is so wonderful. I love that I have friends like her. and I am planning something secret and cool for her on her birthday and I am so proud of myself for having kept it a secret for such a long time because I have had the idea for at least a month now and haven't told her. I feel like that is a record for me and secret keeping.

I am horrible at keeping secrets. its not that I don't want to keep them a secret it is just that they are so exciting and make me so happy that I want to share that happiness with the people around me. it is a horrible habit and I am trying to get better at it. I think that is why I hate surprises also. because I cannot believe that someone would keep something that cool hidden from me. it is silly, but oh well.

I've decided to grow my hair out long and wear it curly more often. It used to curl naturally, but it has been to short to do that for a few years now and I don't know if it still will when I grow it out. I hope it does because long, red, curly hair sounds good and it would be a pain to have to curl my hair every day. I mean I wouldn't mind too much, I would get really good at it pretty fast and it wouldn't take to long but still having it curl by itself is better. heather wants to grow her hair longer to and I think it is a good idea. long hair and lots of writing in our junior year sounds good to me.

it is weird to me that we are going to be in our junior year in two months. that means that I will be 17 in three month and 18 in two years and three months. two years, three months, and seven days to be exact. not that I am counting or anything. and two years sounds like a long time until I think of how fast this year went by. I am coming closer to the part where my life starts for real and it is slowly getting more and more exciting.

that is all.

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