Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Here, have some thoughts from my brain, I have spares.

Dear, love, honey, sweetheart. . . take your pick, I enjoy ridiculous pet names. they make me swoon. but do you want to know a secret? there is one word that when added to any of them not only makes me swoon, they make my heart skip a beat, my stomach turn over, and completely wins me over. My. put those two letters before any of those lovely pet names and you will have won over my heart. I'm not sure what it is about indicating ownership that is so incredibly charming but it is a fact. My dear, my love, and my lady in particular. They make me giddy.

I sometimes wonder why people care about being popular so much. don't much see the point in spending these three years in high school giving up all shreds of individuality to attain this barbie doll image that is deemed cool. sure, you get to sit next to the head cheerleader at lunch, and you might get a hansom beau, but what will that matter in a few years when no one remembers who you are and that boy has moved on to his next pretty blonde? i would much rather be me and enjoy my time listening to veggie tales in the parking lot and wearing christmas sweaters in september. at least I will be able to look back on these years and see something i don't regret.

I hate illnesses. and i hate kidney stones. for those of you who have never had one (which of course in the majority of the population) consider yourself lucky. they are the absolute worst. and they hurt. and they make you throw up, and dizzy, and even more uncoordinated than you usually are which is bad if you are me. i would much prefer for the good doctor to have told me i actually got the flu from gracie. curses.

I really have no desire to go to class after lunch ever. even more than i don't want to go to first period because my bed is warm and sleeping is so nice, i want to be lazy after lunch. and this year my two favorite classes are after lunch. i should avoid having a fourth period next year. granted i would still have to wait around until 3:30 to get faith and drive gracie home but i have no qualms about that. i would much prefer to be lazy in my car for 3 hours than to go back to school after lunch.

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