Sunday, January 1, 2012

What 2011 brought me:

January brought a week at home with gracie, watching heroes for new years. It brought a question game of epic proportions. It brought a 11 year old sister. It brought a cousin who got my bedroom. It brought boxes.

February brought a new house. It brought a new ward. It brought new friends. It brought saying goodbyes. It brought a three hour block filled with tears. It brought a new bed.

March brought a new school. It brought a twenty year old sister. It brought lots of hard things. It brought new friends of the unexpected sort. It brought a wall of things I love. It brought a realization of how lucky I am.

April brought a spring break no one remembers. It brought a 14 year old sister. It brought a bout of forgetting who I was. It brought a series of writing challenges and late nights. It brought feeling like I was missing my life and so alive it hurt.

May brought a blogging challenge. It brought trips to take soup to sick friends. It brought a year book day I'll never forget. It brought important phone numbers. It brought a title. It brought missing lone peak. It brought a week with just faith and grace. It brought end of school testing.

June brought the last day of school. It brought house sitting. It brought trek. It brought forgiving my mother for a while. It brought seven peaks. It brought swinging late at night. It brought excitement.

July brought best friends turning 16. It brought parties. It brought staying out late It brought sleeping in. It brought flying alone. It brought more wishes than any one should deserve. It brought two weeks of joy. It brought girls camp. It brought sunshine. It brought happiness.

August brought old friends. It brought new old starts. It brought mad writing frenzies where a chapter could be written in 3 hours. It brought new classes, and new teachers, and new friends, all in an old school. It brought Kolob.

September brought longing for things in faded colors and golden light. It brought out the hopeless romantic in me. It brought finishing the first draft of my book. It brought roof top concerts and bike rides at dusk. It brought all nighters. It brought a weekend of heather. It brought the resurrection of the question game.

October brought being 17 and a scavenger hunt in the mall. It brought a kiss behind the school and holding hands at a football game. It brought questions. It brought counting down in days instead of months and years. It brought a speeding ticket. It brought fall break. It brought the zoo and build a bear.

Novermber brought not being able to write. It brought thanksgiving break. It brought lots of food. It brought an official boyfriend. It brought quotes and fun and gummy bears. It brought trouble in chemistry, but not really caring because of heather and aubri and seeing the boy before.

December brought the longing to go sledding and no snow, a first for both. It brought wondering it he really liked me and breaking up over a text. It brought living with heather in salt lake. It brought good books. It brought tears, from being sad and laughing too hard. It brought so much time I didn't know what to do with it and got nothing done. It brought a few ends, and more beginnings.

2012 with bring even more.

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