Tuesday, January 17, 2012

So. Today was the first day of the semester and as such i got a couple new teachers. One of said teachers had us fill out an interview type thing. One of the questions was as followed: where do you see yourself in 15 years. I liked this question. And i have and answer for it. And, yes, I will tell you said answer.

In 15 years I will be 32. I will be done with school (thank goodness). I will be married to my best friend. We will live in a house we built on the edge of Portland, OR. We will have some little people who call us mom and dad. We will be teaching them how to be great people.

I will have a Doctorates in psychology (and be able to spell that with out thinking really hard about it first). I will own my own office where I will help teenagers talk through their problems and feel better about their lives while my own babies are in school.

I'll be doing as much good outside of my home as I am inside of it and I will be able to be self-sufficient but I won't need to be because my man will be there to take care of me.

We will spend out evenings cooking together and dancing in the kitchen. We will have great friends that we invite over for dinner parties. We will kiss like newly weds and know each other as well as any couple of 50 years. We won't make our kids eat oatmeal if they don't want to.

We will be very happy I think.

that is all.

1 comment:

Lizzy said...

I love how you wrote this post! So good :)