Monday, August 29, 2011

Today I was informed that I use the word swoon quite a bit. And you know what, that is probably true. It is probably true because quite a few things make me swoon. and I enjoy those things immensely. Well, when I told this person that, they asked me what exactly the word swoon meant and so I told them. and now, I am telling you.

Definition according to

swoon [swoon]

verb (used without object)
1. to enter a state of hysterical rapture* or ecstasy

2. an
utterance or expression of ecstatic delight.
3. the carrying of a person to another place or sphere of existence.

(I had to include the rapture definition for those of you who would think the word was referencing the end of the world or a dinosaur.)

Definition according to me:

Swoon [Swoon]

1. When a boy makes your stomach go all topsy-turvy and butterfly filled.

Things that make me swoon:

1) When I hug a boy and he puts his hand on the small of my back.

2) Dierks Bentley and Josh Turner's voices.

3) when a boy brushes the hair out of my face.

4) when certain boys smile at me.

5)when a boy uses my first and middle name.

6) when a boy kisses me up against a wall (never actually happened, but I can imagine. . .)

7) Boys from books.

8) when a boy plays with my fingers.

9) Boys who dance.

hmmm. . . there are more things that I could list but I am too lazy right now. I should sleep, but I am waiting for mike to finish his chapter so I can read it already.

that is all.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

The following are the lyrics to my favorite song at the moment. It is titled Up on the Ridge, by Dierks Bentley (whose voice makes me swoon):

Lets blow out these city lights
Lets just leave it all behind
Get up where the air is still
You can hear the whippoorwill
Start a fire, pass the shine,
Won't be home till mornin' time.
Shout your name out in the wind
Confess my love for you again
Give you all I got to give,
That's how we live up on the ridge.

Won't you come with me tonight
Where the moonlight drifts into your eyes
I just want one little kiss
When we get high up on the ridge

Hey now honey child we'd be runnin' free and wild
No one care what you do
Ain't no law to answer to
Dance around in the dirt
Listen to them crickets chirp
Hear old Jake start to howl
When he hears that ol' hoot owl
Give you all I got to give
That's how we live up on the ridge

Won't you come with me tonight
Where the moonlight drifts into your eyes
I just want one little kiss
When we get high up on the ridge

Come on girl it's almost dawn
Lets get it 'fore the magic gone
Tall tall grass all around
Come on lay that blanket down
Wild flowers just like you
Lay on me like mornin' dew
Now take my hand walk with me
Sun come up through them trees
Give you all I got to give
That's how we live up on the ridge

Won't you come with me tonight
Where the moonlight drifts into your eyes
I just want one little kiss
When we get high up on the ridge

I just want on little kiss
when we get high up on the ridge.

I'm feeling like a hopeless romantic today. And these pictures pretty much sum up what I want to be doing right now. In case you wondered.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

I thought this was cool, so I am going to tell you about it. Actually I'm not going to tell you about it I am going to give you the web address I read it at and I could make it a link but I am too lazy. You should go read it anyway, because like I said, I thought it was cool.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

One day down 179 to go! IF you ignore the fact that it is gross to b learning at 7:45 in the morning my day was very good. My first period class is interior design and I don't think I will enjoy it as much as I wished I would but I will definitely learn a lot. The funny thing about that class is that there is only one boy in the class and he is such a nerd. And before you go thinking that is rude of me to say you have to know that I am not just passing judgment, I know him quite well seeing as he practically stalked me for the majority of last year.

Second period is math and I am going to deny the fact that it might end up being my favorite class this semester. It is going to be a challenge, which is good because math hasn't been for a while now, and i like my teacher and I am one of two girls in the class. I sit in the back corner so I can get away with writing and in front of me sits a red head named Philip, who makes me think of Mike every time I look up; to my left is a boy named Kirk, who I have already fallen into the habit of calling Captain; and diagonal from me a boy named James who I have been friends with for years now.

Third period is seminary so that is boring and then fourth period is English which will be great as soon as I don't sit next to Dakota's best friend any more.

All in all it was a very good day and I am excited to have the other half of my classes tomorrow.

that is all.

Monday, August 22, 2011

I should be talking to Mike and heather right now. actually, I should be sleeping right now which is why I shouldn't sign in to talk to Mike and Heather right now. In fact shouldn't even be typing this. My eyes should be closes and I should be trying to sleep like a good girl but I'm not.

I am to excited for school in the morning to sleep. Which is silly. School won't be that fabulous. It will just be another day of school and I will be glad when it is over but I am excited any way. I am excited to start my junior year and be that much closer to graduating. I am excited for the friends I am going to make and the friends I am going to get closer too. I am excited for the things I am going to learn and the teachers who are going to teach me. I am excited to get back into a stable schedule and have more order in my life than the summer can give me. I am just excited.

that is all.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

well. in case you wanted to know, I finally got over my writer's block. I know what i want to say, now I just have to stop procrastinating and say it. That is easier to say than do though. I really feel like just laying down and doing nothing. It is quite enjoyable.

I've actually decided that the time between when my alarm goes off and when I roll out of bed is my favorite few minutes of the day. I don't know why but just laying there thinking for a minute is the most relaxing thing in the universe. I like sitting in that state between dreams and reality where I can think about the coming day with out having to worry about it. Once I am fully awake my thoughts race a mile a minute with all the things that need done but for those few minutes the world is perfect and I can think about laying there all day and just resting and it is wonderful.

ok. I have absolutely nothing to say. nothing at all. but Mike made me feel all shades of guilty for not posting and so I have to make myself think a few words for him. I have had a lack of words for a few weeks now. I'm not really sure why that is though.

Well I fell asleep writing that. And seeing as that was less than 24 hours ago it is shocking to me how different I feel. I don't have a shortage of words anymore. In fact, I have so many words I can't think straight and I am making myself sick. And, as out of character as it is, I want to scream all of those words at my mother. Ok, before you call me out on that one let me explain. It is not out of character to be angry with my mother, only to want to scream at her. Normally I am very good at not letting her know when I am mad at her. I just let it slide and move on so that we don't have to fight. Well today I want to fight with her and tell her just how wrong she is.

Her and my dad had a big fight. And she walked out. Now this isn't the first time she has gotten angry and left, but it is the longest time. And she came home while we were at church today, planning on leaving again before we saw her, but we got home before she could take off. And do you know what she did? She told faith that she wasn't coming back. Faith. Her only daughter who really still cares. And it broke her heart. And I want to scream at her for it.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Sorry I didn't have time to write to you yesterday. I was busy retrieving my sister, and cleaning the house, and grocery shopping, and then I got yelled at to get off the computer and watch a movie with my sisters. We watched Little Rascals, then The Wizard of Oz, then The Princess and The Frog. We couldn't agree on one movie. We never can.

Anyway, I really should be writing right now. Well, writing my book. I am writing, just not anything that matters. This is just the random words that I spew when I can't come up with anything really important to say or make my words make any sense. The type of random words that don't really mean anything they are just there so that I can say I wrote something today.

I am having a lot of trouble with the chapter I am working on. I just crushed my main character's hopes and dreams for the future at the same time as I broke her heart and told her that everything she knew to be unchangeable and true was a lie and she isn't handling it well. She isn't moping or crying about it, or angry, or anything. She is just gone. She is hiding from me in my brain some where and I need to find her fast because I need her help to get the silly chapter done so we can get to the part where I make it all better again.

that is all.