Monday, August 29, 2011

Today I was informed that I use the word swoon quite a bit. And you know what, that is probably true. It is probably true because quite a few things make me swoon. and I enjoy those things immensely. Well, when I told this person that, they asked me what exactly the word swoon meant and so I told them. and now, I am telling you.

Definition according to

swoon [swoon]

verb (used without object)
1. to enter a state of hysterical rapture* or ecstasy

2. an
utterance or expression of ecstatic delight.
3. the carrying of a person to another place or sphere of existence.

(I had to include the rapture definition for those of you who would think the word was referencing the end of the world or a dinosaur.)

Definition according to me:

Swoon [Swoon]

1. When a boy makes your stomach go all topsy-turvy and butterfly filled.

Things that make me swoon:

1) When I hug a boy and he puts his hand on the small of my back.

2) Dierks Bentley and Josh Turner's voices.

3) when a boy brushes the hair out of my face.

4) when certain boys smile at me.

5)when a boy uses my first and middle name.

6) when a boy kisses me up against a wall (never actually happened, but I can imagine. . .)

7) Boys from books.

8) when a boy plays with my fingers.

9) Boys who dance.

hmmm. . . there are more things that I could list but I am too lazy right now. I should sleep, but I am waiting for mike to finish his chapter so I can read it already.

that is all.

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