Tuesday, August 23, 2011

One day down 179 to go! IF you ignore the fact that it is gross to b learning at 7:45 in the morning my day was very good. My first period class is interior design and I don't think I will enjoy it as much as I wished I would but I will definitely learn a lot. The funny thing about that class is that there is only one boy in the class and he is such a nerd. And before you go thinking that is rude of me to say you have to know that I am not just passing judgment, I know him quite well seeing as he practically stalked me for the majority of last year.

Second period is math and I am going to deny the fact that it might end up being my favorite class this semester. It is going to be a challenge, which is good because math hasn't been for a while now, and i like my teacher and I am one of two girls in the class. I sit in the back corner so I can get away with writing and in front of me sits a red head named Philip, who makes me think of Mike every time I look up; to my left is a boy named Kirk, who I have already fallen into the habit of calling Captain; and diagonal from me a boy named James who I have been friends with for years now.

Third period is seminary so that is boring and then fourth period is English which will be great as soon as I don't sit next to Dakota's best friend any more.

All in all it was a very good day and I am excited to have the other half of my classes tomorrow.

that is all.

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