Friday, May 13, 2011

Dear people of the world,
I am sorry I didn't post yesterday but it isn't my fault. Blogger was down. Do I still get points? I think yes, otherwise all of you must die because no one can know of my failure. And that would be sad, seeing as I love all of you.

Today, is Friday the thirteenth. And I had a pretty decent day. I think I did okay on my french oral and the rest of the test got put off until next week so I can study more. I read a lot. I got 100 percent on my physics CRT, which I was amazed by. I took a nap. I am about to play with heather. And I made funnel cake. I think that adds up to a good day, don't you? Especially because of the funnel cake. It was very good.

I have no strong opinions, or interesting thoughts, or rants, or raves. Nothing really to write. I will get back to you on that. . .

that is all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You still get points, and then some. I was going to have three chapters posted in three days, but the great Blogger Disaster prevented that, plus it un-posted my last chapter and deleted part of it. I guess updates after a certain time didn't count, which is a shame.

It sounds like a pretty good Friday The Thirteenth to me!