Monday, May 16, 2011

Hello world.
I feel very. . . content? tired? sad? happy? impatient? I don't know exactly but what ever it is that I feel I am sick of it. I always hate this time of year. I mean you aren't quite done with school but you aren't in the year enough to actually be learning anything and school just feels like a waste of time. Do any of you ever get that feeling? It is something similar to your last while at a job, where you know you are done and quit and you don't have to answer to any one on monday, but at the same time you want to leave them with a good impression.

All I have to do before summer starts is get my school figured out for next year. I need to get over to lone peak and find out about getting in for next year because I cannot stand another year at Pleasant Grove. The name is very deceiving, it isn't pleasant at all. I need to know if I can get to lone peak. That is the best option, but if not, then i am going to have to come up with something else. And quickly.

Despite all of this emotional confusion I am very excited for this year to be over and for summer to start. This is going to be a good summer, I can tell. I can drive and I can date. I have two groups of friends, heather and them, and kyall and them. I feel closer to Heather and them than I ever have been despite switching schools and I am so excited to have more time to play with them. The only problem with them is that we tend to do nothing most of the time then get together once a month and have a marvelous time. That is the big difference between Kyall and them and Heather and them. Kyall and them hang out most every weekend and it is the first time I have ever had a group of friends that all hung out together consistently. It is kind of weird, but I like it.

I feel as though having the two separate groups will be beneficial in this whole enjoying summer thing. And I am excited to see how it plays out.

Another thing that the time of year has got me thinking about is how old I am. Last year, I didn't feel old at all. In fact I felt so young I was sure I would never get out of high school. Now I am thinking about it and I will be done in two years and two weeks. I will be eighteen in one year, four months, and 18 days. I will be able to vote for the next president. I could be married in three or four years. My life is about to start for real. And that is just so exciting I can hardly stand it.

Well, I have to go lock up the house so I will bid you good night.

that is all.

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