Friday, May 6, 2011

okay, so here comes a vent. but it is a different kind of vent than I normally give so don't worry.

I just read a status on facebook that read the following: "OMG, Mormons are such judgers. I mean, just because I wore a tank top in public doesn't mean you can glare at me."

and you know what, I agree with this person. SOME mormon people are very judgmental. you don't have to hate someone just because they speak, dress, or believe differently than you do. this is a free county, you have the freedom of religion, even in utah. I mean come on people! we teach tolerance, and acceptance, don't we? Isn't that what the 11th article of faith says?

"we claim the privilege of worshiping almighty god according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may."

It seems very hypocritical to me that we pass judgment on others so freely.

ON THE OTHER HAND. I feel as though I must point out that in saying this my friend has become hypocritical. not all mormons are judgmental of others. In fact, I would like to believe that it is only a minority who would glare at this person for wearing a tank top. and I know for a fact that I would not. I am a Mormon and I do my best not to pass judgment on people who believe differently than I do. and by saying "Mormons are such judgers." you are not only using horrible grammar, you are judging my entire religion and I take offense to that.

that is all.

p.s. I posted this at a decent hour, aren't you all so proud?

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