Sunday, May 22, 2011

Want to hear something I hate? I hate that someone turned my words against me.

In all honesty I do not care what you take away from the words I write. You can read something and find beauty and inspiration or hate and exasperation in the words. I don't care if I said something thinking that is was some wonderful, life altering thing and you read it and hear a poem with an off rhythm. I DO NOT CARE.

The thing that I care about is when you try and tell me what I was saying. When you take what ever it is that my words made you feel and tell me that is what I felt when I read them and it was my intent to hurt you with them. I do not dictate what you take from them, and I am not the type of person who would purposefully say something to hurt someone. In fact, I often censor my words to protect feelings. So please, don't try and tell me what I am saying because you only know what you are hearing.

Now that I have that out I can continue on. I am deeply sorry that I died for a few days. Something I said was taken wrong and used against me and it broke something in me for a while but don't worry the repair crews have arrived and are working diligently and with all possible haste.

I know I have said this a thousand times but my words really are the most important thing in my life. The words that I write down, say aloud, or refuse to acknowledge make up who I am but they are more than just me. They are the things that make up my relationships, they are the things that hold my brain together when I feel like falling apart, they are my way of venting, or loving, of hating, of helping, and of being helped. With out them I would be completely lost.

And while they are so important to me I would swear off of words, never write, speak, even think another word, if I knew that they were hurting some one. That is why it was such a blow to me when some one I love came to me and used them as a weapon against me. This person disected something that they weren't ever supposed to read, something that was privet and personal, sentence by sentence and told me what I was 'really' saying. Told me that my words were wrong and that I should be ashamed of them. And I do not think I will ever forgive this person for that.

My words are beautiful and I will not let you change my opinion of them. I will not be ashamed of them because they are the best part of myself.

that is all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I partially agree: your words are beautiful, and they are one of the best parts of you, but I kind of disagree on that last point.

While your words may represent who you are, they are still just the menu. A very elegant, eloquent, inspiring, amazing menu, but still they take second place to you, your mind, your personality, those intangible components that make up who you are.

Your words are very important, vital, and much appreciated, and they really are beautiful, but they're still second to you.

And I send the repair crews my best wishes. And if I can lend a hand, just let me know.