Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The parental units will be home late tonight. And in preperation for that I cleaned the kitchen and had faith sweep and we are all set. We went to Gracie's concert and she did fabulous and I had a buy one get one free for ice cream so we went. And when we got home I counted the money we had left. $385. We started with 500. . . And I know we only spent 95. So at some point this week I lost twenty dollars. And I feel really bad, and stupid. How the heck did I do that? I probably should be freaking out, but I am not. I am having a hard time keeping things straight, the last thing I need is a panic attack, so I just decided that I would go to the bank tomorrow and take twenty out of what is left from the elementary school. Not the best option, that is disappearing quickly, but I don't know what else to do so it is what I will do.

On a brighter note, I am probably 95% done with chapter 13 of The Marks Trilogy, you know the one that isn't a trilogy yet. And it is fabulous and you should all be jealous of my skill, except for those of you who are more talented that I am, which is most of you. . . ANY WHO, for those of you who don't know (every one but heather I do believe) finishing this chapter is a great land mark in my life and I feel quite accomplished. I started this book at the very end of the eight grade. And it was coming along quite nicely, until I finally figured out what was wrong with Hilary and started her over. She took her place in the front of my brain and dominated my every thought for the next year and a half. Sadly, this meant that Marks got put on hold. I have had the first sentence of this chapter written with out something to follow it for such a long time, and now? It is a full grown chapter! Good for it!

On another, entirely different note, I got some lip gloss yesterday, and it is the greatest thing in the universe. It tastes like coffee and sunshine. Does that make sense to any of you? You know how when it gets really hot out side and you are standing on the concrete and you can taste the heat in the air? Imagine a smoother, softer version of that taste and it is what I am calling sunshine flavored. Now that you have that lovely picture in your head, add the taste of really good coffee, and put it on my lips. Don't you want a taste? Too bad, I don't kiss people just because they like my lip gloss. If I did that I would have kissed at least 50 people today, and then where would we be? Siberia, that is where. Because that is where my father would send me when he found out I kissed more boys that a puppy on a play ground.

now, I need a shower because I ate too much ice cream and feel sticky.

that is all.


Anonymous said...

I'll be jealous of your amazing skills. :)

I can't wait to read more of The Marks. When I finished the last chapter, I was ready to keep reading and then.... OH NO! That was the end of it!
Now I understand how you feel when I've done cliffhangers, although yours are better...

Anonymous said...

Yours are still better...