Monday, May 2, 2011

onward with day two of my marvelous blogging adventure! today's topic? good question, there is none. I just had to say something because I WILL NOT fail this mission on the second, or third, or twenty-ninth day. I will succeed. and I will say something that is less lame than this. give me a moment to think. . .

thinking. . .

thinking. . .

still thinking. . .

by george, I think I've got it!

I decided that Pleasant Grove High School is not a very great school and I need to get back into Lone Peak. Do you want to hear my reasoning?

I am not learning anything, and not for lack of trying. It feels as though my teachers don't want to teach me. I mean, at Lone Peak I don't remember a teacher ever being late for class. Here? nearly every day I have at least one teacher who shows up 20 minutes late. And then they don't teach us any thing. They assign us homework and tell us to do it but never tell us how. Isn't that their job? I thought so too.

Then, because they aren't teaching me how to do this homework I go home and try to do it, but I am not sure how and so when I turn it in the next day I get bad grades on it, so I try to go in and talk to them at lunch or what ever and they aren't there or they tell me to come back later. For example, last week I was having trouble in my english class so I went in at lunch and she said she was busy but if I came back at 7 the next morning she would be able to help me. Guess who sat outside her room for 45 minutes the next morning waiting for her? That would be me.

So I am spending more time on homework than I ever have and get it all turned in on time and I still have the worst grades I have ever had, even if you count the seventh grade when I gave up on school entirely.

And just to add one more thing to the pile of complaints, I am not even on half of my teacher's roles yet. I have been there for more than a month now and my physics teacher asked me who I was last week. What the heck? And on the schedule they printed me on my first day they printed it wrong so I got my two third period classes mixed up. Which I found out today, which means I have not gone to my health or physics class once. And yet I haven't been marked absent and have the best grades in those two classes. Don't you think some one should have noticed this in the last month? I think the answer is yes.

So tomorrow I am going to go into the counseling office and talk to them and see if there is any possible way to get back into Lone Peak next year. And if they say no I do not know what I will do but I REALLY do not want to stay here because I care to much about my education to waste my time with people who aren't helping me.

wish me luck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish you all of the best luck in the word in keeping your head together, and not letting these empty-headed fools get to you.