Sunday, May 15, 2011

I am so sorry I fail you yesterday. I wasn't home long enough to post something and then I got home after midnight. just so you all know, this was a good weekend. Possibly the best week end I have had in a very long time. In fact, I can't think of something that would make it better.

It started with a very nice sleep over with heather. I went over to her house and we hung out with jenna, talked to mike, and drank heather's soda. It was lovely. Then heather and I came to my house and made popcorn and grape koolaid and watched the prestige, which I hadn't seen and blew my mind. Then we went up to my room and more lovely conversation with mike before we went to sleep at a very respectable hour.

Then I woke up to a phone call from Miles (who, if you don't know, is the boy I asked out) telling me he was excited to see me later. I drove heather home, and the whole way there and back the radio played good music with no commercials. I didn't even have to flip through the stations. Then I got home and my family was being civil to each other. My parents got the car clean and smelling wonderful, my sisters helped me get pretty, and all was well. Even my hair cooperated with me!

Then came the long awaited date. Miles was perfect, and despite all of my worrying, the first date I have been picturing in my head was exactly what I got. I was so sure that I had built it up in my head to an impossible standard, I mean it has been daydreamed over for 10 years now, but I didn't. It was everything I expected and more. And during our day date we went to this place where you can climb up a rock wall and jump off into a foam pit and we raced to the top then he grabbed my hand and we jumped together, and the whole way down I was reminded of the moment in The Princess Bride, towards the end, when she jumps out of the window and the whole world stops and turns to magic. It was wonderful. And Miles felt just awkward enough around the strangers to stick right next to me the whole time, but not awkward enough to actually feel uncomfortable.

Then we dropped the boys off and I went home and my family was all excited for me and my mother helped me fix my make up before it was time to go back for dinner. Dinner was great too. We had really good hamburgers and played boccie ball. and it was just so much fun! Then it was off to the dance! We got there and danced for a little while, and let me tell you, it was hilarious, because none of us could dance.

We left early and went to one of the girls houses and watched a movie. And guess what! He held my hand. And I don't think he noticed but I couldn't breath. Then we noticed it was almost midnight and Amy drove us home and he held my hand in the car too. Even when he moved to the front seat so we weren't all squashed in the back, he reached back between the door and the chair and held my hand. Then when we dropped him off he told me that I should text him and we could make plans for next weekend! excitement!

Then today, I woke up to the smell of cinnamon rolls. It was the first time in a while some one else got up and made breakfast but we had cinnamon rolls and really good fruit and it was lovely. And then, to just top all of it off Gracen had the idea of going to the first ward, so I got to go back and tell all of my dear friends there all about my adventures. It was great to be home for a few hours.

And this isn't even the end of the wonderful. I am really excited for the coming week. I am done with testing and I get to play with grace and faith while every one else is gone. We are going to lone peak wednesday, probably to the first ward tuesday, and I am playing with a girl named Gynie tomorrow. The week has promise and I look forward to the coming adventures.

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