Saturday, May 7, 2011

I almost forgot about posting! I laid down to go to sleep and was almost out when I remembered that I hadn't said anything to you lovely people! see I have been on here a number of times today, and thought to myself "hey, you should talk to them". but I never listen to myself. and so I didn't say anything but thought I had. and so here I am, rambling to you once again.

I decided that the written word is a beautiful thing. I mean these words that I am writing right now, they will be here in one million years. when I am dead and gone. when my children's children's children's children's children are grown and old and have filled the world with their stories and mine have become the cautionary tale that no one believe really happened. they will live through wars, plagues, and famines; see peace, prosperity, and happiness; transcend generations; endure critique; bask in the glory of praise. they will be here, an unchanging testament to who I am, the way few other things are.

that is all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not only was it a good save, it was very well-executed.

The written (or typed) word is indeed a beautiful thing! It is like any other medium, such as clay, ink, paint, etc.
You take several words and put them together in a manner that's elegant, rough, any fashion really, and it becomes a work of art, just as a painting can tell a story.